
Below are resources for medical providers, patients and their families and caregivers and advocates interested in learning more about pediatric stroke and cerebrovascular disease.

American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Materials

Therapy Choices for Children With Difficulties Using 1 Hand After a Brain Injury
Returning to School After Pediatric Stroke
Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation for Children With Stroke

American Stroke Association Materials

ASA/IAPS Pediatric Stroke Infographic English
ASA/IAPS Pediatric Stroke Infographic Spanish
ASA/IAPS Perinatal Stroke Infographic English
ASA/IAPS Perinatal Stroke Infographic Spanish

Back to School Resources


Your Child’s IEP – Guide for Families on Personalised Plans for Learning and Support – Australian Alliance for Inclusive Education
Students with disabilities – Australian Government Department of Education


Navigating the World of Special Education – Canadian Pediatric Stroke Support Association
Understanding Education Rights in Canada – AIDE Canada




Guías – Asociacion de Hemiparesia Infantil “Hemiweb”


Schweizer Paraplegiker-Zentrum Nottwil

United Kingdom:

Returning to School after Stroke – Stroke Association

United States:

Education – Children’s Hemiplegia and Stroke Association

BrainSTEPs: An example of a successful school re-entry program for children with brain injury is which is available in Pennsylvania and Colorado.

Pediatric Stroke Family Tool Kit, English
Pediatric Stroke Family Tool Kit, Spanish

American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Returning to School After Pediatric Stroke

Clinical Research Studies

Focal Cerebral Arteriopathy Steroid Trial (FOCAS)
FOCAS in the News
I-Acquire Parent Council
Vascular effects of Infection in Pediatric Stroke Findings (VIPS I)

Family Guides

IAPS Pediatric Stroke Family Tool Kit
Australian’s Family Guide to Pediatric Stroke
Canada’s Family Guide to Pediatric Stroke
Stroke in Newborns and Children | Ictus Nei Neonati e Nei Bambini
United Kingdom Pediatric Stroke Guidance


JCN: NICU series Prenatal Brain Hemorrhage
Dr. Sonika Agarwal of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia talks about prenatal brain hemorrhage.
JCN: Interview with Mary Kay Ballasiotes, pediatric stroke advocate: Dr. Sonika Agarwal of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia interviews Mary Kay Ballasiotes, pediatric stroke advocate and parent of a child with cerebral palsy from a stroke at birth.
JCN: What Your Pediatric Neurologist Wants You to Know: Neonatal Neurology: JCN’s Residents and Fellows Board Director, Dr. Alison Christy, interviews Dr. Sonika Agarwal, a neonatal neurologist from Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia.
Stroke in Children Podcast: Dr. Heather Fullerton, a pediatric neurologist at UCSF, discusses stroke in children, the causes and path to recovery with Bill Monroe on StrokeCast.
JCN: Pediatric Stroke Podcast: Dr. Alison Christy interviews Dr. Sarah Lee from Stanford Children’s Health and Dr. Gabrielle deVeber from Hospital for Sick Children about their publication, Moyamoya Disease in Children: Results from the International Pediatric Stroke Study. She also interviews Dr. Lisa Sun from John Hopkins All Children’s Hospital.
Against the Odds: AVM Brain bleed survivors, Kyler Lewis and Ashley Lindsay, talk about what it is like to deal with a brain vessel disease.
JCN: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: Dr. Aliya Frederick interviews Dr. Bernard Chang and Dr. Steve Wu about transcranial magnetic stimulation, a non-invasive method of brain stimulation.
JCN: NICU Series: Interview with a Parent and the Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery Alliance: Dr. Sonika Agarwal of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia talks to Audrey Vernick about her experience with pediatric epilepsy from a parent’s perspective. Audrey also discusses Infantile Spasms and Hemispherectomy.

Stroke Survivor Camps 

The Children’s Hemiplegia and Stroke Association 
Fight the Stroke
International Alliance for Pediatric Stroke
Morgan’s World

The Road to Recovery: Tips & Advice for Youth With Stroke

In a clinical research study examining lived experiences of survivors of pediatric stroke, participants were asked what advice they would have for a peer newly diagnosed with stroke. A selection of their insightful responses was compiled into a handout which you can access here. We hope these encouraging words about adjusting to life after pediatric stroke are helpful to families who have recently gone through this experience. If you are interested in reading the published study, it is available in open access here.

Source: Champigny, C.M., Feldman, S.J., Westmacott, R., Wojtowicz, M., Aurin, C., Dlamini, N., Dirks, P., & Desrocher, M. (2023). Adjusting to life after pediatric stroke: A qualitative study. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 65(10), 1357-1365.

With the help of IPSO members, the authors of the Road to Recovery: Tips & Advice for Youth with Stroke have also translated the handout into other languages. Please contact IPSO if you would like to help with the translation of the handout into your language.

Arabic – Tips & Advice for Youth With Stroke | عربي:
تادﺎﺷرإو ﺢﺋﺎﺼﻧ :ﻲﻓﺎﻌﺘﻟا ﱃإ ﻖﻳﺮﻄﻟا ﺔﻴﻏﺎﻣﺪﻟا ﺔﺘﻜﺴﻟﺎﺑ ﻦﻴﺑﺎﺼﻤﻟا بﺎﺒﺸﻠﻟ

Bahasa Indonesia – Tips & Advice for Youth With Stroke | Bahasa Indonesia: Nasehat & Saran Untuk Anak Muda Yang Mengalami Stroke

French – Tips & Advice for Youth With Stroke | Français: Conseils Pour Les Jeunes Survivants d’AVCe

Polish – Tips & Advice for Youth With Stroke | Polski: wskazówki i rady dla młodych po udarze

Spanish – Tips & Advice for Youth With Stroke | Español: consejos y sugerencias para jóvenes con accidente cerebrovascular

Hindi- Tips & Advice for Youth with Stroke | हिंदी: स्ट्रोक (पक्षाघात) से आरोग्य प्राप्ति के मार्ग पर- बच्चों एवं किशोरों को युक्तियाँ एवं सलाह

Ukrainian – Tips & Advice for Youth With Stroke | Yкраїнська: Шлях до одужання: Поради та рекомендації для молоді, яка перенесла інсульт

Mandarin– Tips & Advice for Youth With Stroke | 康复之路:给中风青少年的提 示和建议

Russian: Tips & Advice for Youth With Stroke | На пути к выздоровлению:
рекомендации для детей и подростков, перенесших инсульт

Video Resources

Pediatric Stroke Education Series: The Pediatric Stroke Advisory Council at Massachusetts General Hospital and Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in partnership with the Young Genetic Stroke Alliance and the International Alliance for Pediatric Stroke hosts monthly educational events to support families with children who have had a pediatric stroke or brain injury. Checkout their website to YouTube Channel for more information on how to register for upcoming events and watch recordings of past events.

Paediatric Stroke Aware the World: The International Pediatric Stroke Study has created a video entitled Paediatric Stroke: A View Around the World, to highlight inspiring paediatric stroke research being conducted around the world. The researchers in the video share a common goal: to continue to improve the care provided to paediatric stroke patients and their families. The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly reminded us all that we are part of a global village, and we are stronger together.

The Doctor is IN: Brain Vessels, MRI, & CTs Explained: Raylene Lewis, President of the AVM Alliance. and Dr. Stuart Fraser, pediatric neurologist and IPSO member, discuss medical terms parents read on radiology reports, different radiology tests ordered by doctors and major vessels in the brain.

Stroke Can Happen At Any Age Video Series: The International Alliance for Pediatric Stroke partnered with the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association to produce videos to help raise awareness of perinatal and pediatric strokes.

Perinatal Stroke: Diagnosis & Management – American Academy of Neurology From the American Academy of Neurology, a NeuroByte learning video. Perinatal stroke may present in infants or older children and often has long-term effects on neurodevelopment into adulthood. Early identification and management of perinatal stroke are crucial to optimize outcomes across the lifespan. This video defines perinatal stroke, describes its common signs and symptoms, and provides an overview of its management to facilitate timely identification and management of patients with perinatal stroke.