IPSO Kid Stroke Connections

Kid Stroke News You Can Use

Welcome to the Community Website of the International Pediatric Stroke Organization, IPSO. Founded in February 2019, we are an organization of health professionals, scientists and patient advocates who care about stroke and other cerebrovascular diseases in childhood. Experts across related fields will collaborate to advance knowledge on mechanisms of childhood stroke and stroke recovery with an eye towards preventing stroke and improving outcomes. IPSO will disseminate knowledge and best practices to first-line medical providers for the wider benefit of children with stroke worldwide. Lastly, IPSO will engage with affected families to set priorities and advocate for children at risk for stroke or afflicted by stroke.

As part of IPSO’s first community initiative, IPSO has launched an IPSO Editorial Board made up of both medical and non-medical members to create an online news periodical called IPSO Kid Stroke Connections. The online periodical will share news about pediatric cerebrovascular disease to the community of affected patients and their families, other caregivers, friends and advocates. In our online periodical, you will find a wide variety of information ranging from patient and family resources to research opportunities. Starting in May 2023, IPSO Kid Stroke Connections will be published on a quarterly basis on the IPSO Community Website. Sign-up for the IPSO Kid Stroke Connections newsletter to be notified when new content is available online.

Want to be more involved in IPSO? Check out the Get Involved webpage to learn more.

Donate to IPSO!  As a non-profit organization we rely on philanthropic funds to reach our mission and vision. Click the 'Donate' icon below to send us a donation through PayPal.


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Interested in contributing to IPSO Kid Stroke Connections? We are looking for volunteers to help writer content and create graphics. If yes, please Email Us with the following information:

  • First and Last Name
  • Profession (i.e. parent, patient, advocate, doctor, nurse, etc)

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